My first birthday

Yup, today I turned 1. I had a sweet party, my Grandma Jensen was here and so was my great Grandma Hughes and then Craig, Krissy and my best friend Nicole came over for my party, I was so excited. We had cake and ice cream, balloons and there were lots of presents for me (my Mom and Dad keep saying "too many presents", but I don't really see how there can be too many presents for me). My first year went pretty quick, I learned a lot, had lots of fun and met so many nice people (who all seem to love me for some reason - I don't know why, I just met them). Anyway, somehow my Mom and Dad got me through my first year, which is pretty amazing considering all the times I wondered if they were going to figure things out or not. They seem to catch on pretty quick but they have no idea what I have in store for them next year :)